Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sweet Miss Daisy Mae

John and I have been talking about getting a puppy for a long time now.  Being a nurse has scheduling perks for sure.  3 12's a week and I'm done!  However, since John works a typical Monday through Friday job and I keep odd hours, I wanted a companion.  Also, I came home a couple of times to find the balcony door standing open.  We got another chain lock to put on it because we think the handle lock wasn't catching and the pressure from closing our main door opened up the balcony door.  However, even though we fixed the problem, I still haven't been sleeping that well most days since then because every little sound makes me think someone is breaking in and I wake up!  I decided that if we had a dog that could at least alert me if someone was trying to get in I'd feel better, not to mention sleep better!  I did a lot of research on different small hypoallergenic breeds and had a few in mind.  We've been looking on Craigslist and at the shelters around us, but I'm extremely picky and also a bargain shopper!  John wanted to get me a puppy for Christmas and almost got me one on Christmas Eve, but I talked him out of it... and I'm so glad that I did!  Christmas Day I check Craigslist and found a 10 week old Lhasa Apso for sale.  Everything I have read about this breed was good!  They're hardy little dogs that shed very little, and aren't usually hyper.  They were originally bred in Tibet to be guard dogs for the temple.  They aren't yappy, and only bark when something suspicious or unusual happens.  This is exactly what I was looking for!  Not to mention this puppy was ADORABLE!  I texted the person who put out the ad and got some information, but they were asking more than I wanted to pay.  I tried to put that sweet puppy out of my mind, but I found myself revisiting the Craigslist ad over and over! The next morning I saw that the ad had been removed, so I sent another text asking if she was still available.  They said yes, so I asked if they would be willing to take a little over half of what they were asking, and they said no.  I figured that would be my answer, but I had to try!  A couple of hours later they came back and said that I could have her for the price I had offered if I could come get her that day... So I asked John about it and he said YES!!  We went and got our sweet little miss Daisy Mae and headed right over to Petsmart to get her bathed and groomed and pick up all our puppy essentials!  Every time we walked past the grooming window there were people looking at our sweet little lady in the window and ooing and ahhing over her.  Then everyone that we walked past on the way out had to lover on her a little!  She's just so irresistible!!  She's super laid back and fits right into our little family so well! She'll follow us around to make sure that she knows exactly what's going on.  She's also super quiet!  The only time I've heard anything out of her was when I put her in timeout for almost making a mess on the carpet.  She made the most pitiful little bark/cry as if to say "I'm sorry!"  I think she's already about got John wrapped around her little paw.  He got down on the floor and played with her, then when he was playing video games he put her up on the couch with him and she went and snuggled up next to his leg.  He even apologized to her when he got overly excited about his game and scared her!  I can't even begin to describe how cute she is, so I'll let the pictures do my talking for me!

Sweet Girl

 The poor thing was so worn out from her long day

 Peeking around the bookshelf to make sure we were still there when she woke up!

 She loves that blanket!

 And she apparently loves the boots that I got for Christmas so much that she claimed them for her own!

It's a White Christmas!

This year we woke up to a white Christmas!  It was one of those perfect snows where everything is white, but the roads were still clear.
Early Christmas morning we headed over to my parent's house to open presents with my Mom, Dad, sister, and Grandma. Then we headed to John's parent's for brunch and presents with his brother, sister, thier spouses, and our neice, Sophie. She was too cute opening all her presents... and even stealing a few prsents that weren't hers!!  That afternoon we headed back to my parent's house for an early dinner and it was so yummy!  It was a long day, but so fun seeing everyone's reaction to the gifts we'd picked for them and had been sitting under our tree for so long.  It was also nice to recieve gifts.  We took a carload of gifts out... and brought a carload back, too!  I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas!